Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Thanks for all the well wishes. Chiggie is feeling much better. Luckily she was treated over the weekend and was able to go back to school yesterday. Getting her to take her antibiotic is insanely difficult. She is allergic to amoxicillin so no "pink stuff" for her. Instead she gets the charcoal flavored stuff that even I would gag on. Only 61/2 more days ugh.

Tonight is our Church's Youth Group kick-off. It's a big event with games and prizes. I'm excited that Tea is 4 years old which means she can go too. Finally. Wednesday evenings will belong to just me and the little girls. I'll enjoy the time to dote on just them I'm sure.

Tomorrow I plan to break down and clean the house and maybe even the car if there's time. Then on Friday I'll do the grocery shopping and maybe take the girls to the park for a bit. We don't really have any big plans for the weekend. The King works so we'll be oh so lonely. Maybe I'll take the opportunity to start sorting through boxes and bringing out the fall and winter clothes. Just thinking about that gives me a headache.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that Chiggie is feeling much better. I was worried about her. Give the girls our love and we will be seeing you all very soon.

me said...

YOU CAN DO IT, YES YOU CAN! Good luck with the meds! I know that's no fun, even if it's worth it! I hope tomorrow is a productive day for you. Enjoy your "quiet" Wed nites!!