Friday, September 17, 2010

Dropping In

Since I know that someday I will read this blog and learn things that I had long forgotten, I'm trying to be better about recording the important stuff. So, I'm dropping in, right in the middle of this whirlwind we call life to get a few things down I will surely forget about later.

Yesterday Chiggie got her cast off. Her arm looked great. I was a little embarrassed because I had told her all of these horror stories based on what my arm looked like when I got my cast off at 9 (dirty, sweaty, skin peeling, etc.) Hers looked pretty much perfect. She's more obedient I suppose, I can't count how many times a foreign object found it's way to an itchy spot on my arm. The Doc said she looks great and should be 100% within the week. This is great news as the play opens 1 week from tomorrow.

I also have to say, I think this has been the strangest postpartum experience I've ever had. Buster is 6 months old and I look worse now than I did 6 months pregnant. Good grief, is it really all over but the crying? I know I need to lose weight and all that, but my energy levels are low if that. I keep telling myself, Boo was about this age when I dropped the weight so it can be done. I'm also extremely stubborn and refuse to buy myself new clothes in the size I'm in right now. With the seasons changing I need to be able to fit in some jeans I own very quickly. I can do it, I just need to get serious about it!


me said...

YOU CAN DO IT! *leg kick*
Congrats to C, I hope her arm cooperates so she has the best play experience possible!