Thursday, July 22, 2010

On a Roll

Today was a good day. Well, one of those good days only a true mother would love. I woke up and even though I didn't feel like it I cleaned the whole house. The good scrub 'till it shines kind of clean. Buster even cooperated taking a nice 2 hour nap in his bed. This motivated me big time. The girls enjoyed the down time, we've been pretty busy, and played well together while I was busy.

I marinated some chicken breasts for dinner and put some potatoes in the oven. I'll throw a veggie on and that will make an easy but good dinner. Chiggie has play practice and I have to grab a few more things for Boo's birthday tomorrow. We're going to McDonald's for dinner and the play place and then my Mom and little sisters are coming back to our house for cupcakes and ice cream. Boo thinks this sounds fantastic and I'm glad she's easy to please.

Something I've been meaning to blog about are the nights around here. All 4 girls are upstairs now. We sold Boo's toddler bed and she's now on the bottom bunk, Midge is on the top, and Tea has a twin bed of her own. Amazingly there is still a ton of space on the floor for play. Anyway it's like a constant slumber party. It takes me back to childhood and I wonder what it would be like to have 3 sisters close to your own age. They pillow fight, giggle, and slide down the stairs on their tummy's until we put a stop to it all and demand they stay in their beds and sleep. Secretly though, I'm so glad they have that time together. I can't even imagine the memories they're making.