Wednesday, July 14, 2010


This summer is flying by. I really feel like I haven't blogged nearly enough. Sure, I've posted some picture here and there, but in the end it's the stories I know I'll want to remember. So, I'm going to try to find more time to get stuff down.

We've been busy this summer but it's been a good busy. Tea wrapped up T-ball last week and she even got a medal. We went to the ceremony and ate cake and drank punch. I think she had a really good time. It's nice to have our Tuesday evenings free again.

Chiggie is enjoying practicing for her play in the fall. She practices about 4 days a week from 3-8 hrs a day. They have every other weekend off which is nice. They are starting to get costumes ready and this excites her. I can't wait to actually see the performance.

Boo is completely potty trained, which makes sense, as she'll be 3 this month. It is nice only changing diapers for one though. I really can't believe how big she's getting We actually have conversations now and I love that.

Midge is growing so much too and it's amazing to think that she'll be the oldest when school starts. She is very helpful with the baby and the other girls. Sometimes she struggles with wanting to be as big as the oldest girls. I think this next year will be a lot of fun for her.

I have plenty to say about Buster, but I'll save that for his 4 month on Friday. We have some other plans for this summer, but they're only tentative. Hopefully we will go camping in August, I know the girls want to really bad. We're still roasting on the really hot days. It's hard when you can only keep one room cool at a time and you have a closed floor plan. Fall will come soon enough though. I'm enjoying this time though, knowing how much things will change when school starts. I enjoy the sleeping in and slower pace.


me said...

A month! A month is all we have left! Yikes!!
I agree that while I want the cooler temps and some more schedule to our lives...I am NOT looking forward to the rigidity that is school and all the activities that go with it. Ahhh, every season has its pros and cons, right. :)
Yay for getting your Tuesday nights back! We just got our Monday and Thursdays back, whew!