Monday, January 02, 2012

Moving On

I think that will be my theme for this year. Moving on. It will be a work in progress, but I know I will be so much happier if I am able to let things go. We started school back up today, and as much as I dreaded the routine of it all, it ended up flowing very smoothly. Midge even had a doctor appointment in the midst of it all and we stayed right on track. I think it really is helping that we turned the family room into a bit of a playroom. It contains the mess and keeps the little ones entertained.

Art today seemed a bit more formal with Tea's new easel. She LOVES painting, drawing, coloring, and creating just about anything. I think being home really has given them more time to explore their interests. Our days will be a bit longer this week because we are taking a trip on Friday to go ice skating! We are all excited.