Thursday, June 03, 2010

School's Out!

I am almost as excited as Chiggie, who knows maybe even more excited. Yesterday was the end of the year Awards Assembly. For some reason I thought it was today. Maybe because so far it's always been on the last day of school. Anyway, after I dropped her off at 8:15 I drove home. I heard the phone ringin as soon as I opened the door so I hustled in and grabbed it. It was her reminding me that the assembly was in 10 minutes. AHHHHHH! Here I was standing in the kitchen in my pajamas, looking at 4 crazy haired kids in there pajamas, trying to decide how I was going to get ready and be back to the school in that amount of time. Flight or fight I suppose. I ran through the house like a crazy lady grabbing clean clothes and telling the girls to bruxh their hair. I got myself dressed, changed the baby, and loaded everybody back up. Luckily we live very close to the school so that wasn't an issue. Unfortunately there was no parking spots left. I had to park several blocks away. I told this story on fb but I left out the part where I fell carrying the baby on the way in the school. He was absolutely fine. I held him up and took the full force myself. How EMBARASSING. Whatever, I was in such a hurry I just got back up and went right in.

Chiggie was so happy to see us. She didn't care that we had crazy hair. I enjoyed being there as well. She got several awards, and I'm very proud of her. Today was the official last day of school. She only went half day. It was so nice to pick her up and know that we're on vacation now. Our own schedule. We've got some really fun plans and I know this is going to be a good summer.


Anonymous said...

What a happy looking girl! We are so proud! (Of mom too! Way to be there!)