Friday, June 11, 2010


Poor Buster hasn't felt very good at all this week. He's still battling the same upper respiratory issues he was battling last month and on top of that wound up with an ear infection. Thankfully we caught it early and he was only REALLY miserable for one night. I took him back in today for a follow-up and his ear was looking much better. Now we're just dealing with the 'I'm so stuffed up I can't eat' issues. He screams when he even sees the bulb syringe. It is not his friend. On a similar note he actually smiles when he sees his pacifier. He loves the thing. It's very weird for me because the girls were never interested, but it's been a lifesaver on so many occasions.

I'm excited for this weekend for no particular reason. There isn't really anything going on, just hanging out. I'm sure we'll find something to do.


me said...

*healthy vibes and prayers* for all!!!!