Monday, February 23, 2009

What Winter??

I was going through my recent archives and made a surprising discovery. This is the first year that I have not spent a great deal of time whining about how much I hate winter. Am I finally getting used to it? Did I just not have enough time to write about my loathing? Has it just not hit me yet? I can honestly say it's probably a little bit of all of those reasons.

A part of me has just accepted winter for what it is. It's cold, bitter, long, and dark. As much as it drives me nuts I think I've finally realized it's only temporary. We've also been much busier this year. The girls are older. We've had basketball and gymnastics. We've also managed to attend church on a regular basis. There has definitely not been much time to mope. Now that February is coming to a close I'm wondering if I'll get the dreaded "cabin fever" that usually plagues me each year. Who knows, maybe I just got lucky this year.

I can certainly say that I'm excited for spring. The flowers, the clothes, the weather. For whatever reason I'm just thankful that this winter has been bearable. Maybe I'm starting a new trend...