Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. We went to church where I saw my Mom and then had a nice afternoon at home. The girls ran through the sprinklers and rode their bikes. The weather was beautiful as it has been the last few days. It was nice and relaxing.

This evening we went to a BBQ that was hosted by the Youth Pastor at our church. It didn't have anything to do with youth group or Mother's Day, just a coincidence. It just so happens our kids were the only kids under 14 even there. It was a little crazy to say the least. At one point Tea said she had to go to the bathroom. This is a new thing for her. She won't use the potty hardly ever at home, but if we go somewhere she has to check out their bathroom.

Reluctantly I took her and of course there was no real action. We came out and the Pastor, who was standing in the kitchen asked Tea if she went potty. She said, "no, actually my just farted, like ppppffffffffftttttttt..." I would tell you what he said or what I said but honestly I have no real memory as I temporarily blacked out. This too shall pass right?