Thursday, May 31, 2007

And then sometimes I Splurge

We had to go grocery shopping today which is one of my least favorite chores. The girls do really well I just get tired of maneuvering a massive cart through tiny aisles over miles and miles of store. I rarely deviate from the list. I even use a calculator to make sure that I stay within budget. Today though, I couldn't resist. We were headed towards the body soap when I saw it. A hot pink pool floatie with Mama's name all over it. In my own defense it was only $1, and really I need a floatie if I have any plans of working on my summer tan. So I bought it and the rest of my afternoon was spent lounging in our kiddie pool urging the girls not to splash.


me said...

I just had a mental image of an 8 month pg woman in a baby pool on a floatie...hilarious! For $1 I say it was well spent and here's to many a happy day working on that tan! :)