Monday, January 06, 2014

Blue Monday

And blue it was indeed.  It may have been the chilly -17 we woke up to, or the fact that vacation is officially over, or even the frozen water line.  Regardless of the exact reason today was definitely less jolly than the previous few weeks have felt.  Even so, we completed our first full day back to school after break and it was a full one!  Buster will be turning 4 in the next couple of months, so he has joined us and is officially completing seat work.  He enjoyed himself immensely and I am hoping that his enthusiasm maintains.  It is so cute to see how excited he gets.  He feels like such a big boy now, and he easily completed more than 8 pages.  I am sure as the novelty wears off he will slow down, but for now I am keeping up with his pace.  Tomorrow is supposed to warm up and hopefully our spirits will do the same!