Friday, August 26, 2011

One Down...

I have so much to blog about, but understandably I have been much too busy this week establishing our new routine and getting myself and the kids used to things. We had a really great week. I am amazed at how much work I spent on lesson plans that will be thrown out the window...well in the trash....I'm not gong to litter. The kids found their groove right away. They are such eager learners and that helps me out considerably.

So far the hardest part has been occupying Buster the tornado. Poor guy is so excited when he sees me dragging out all of the art supplies only to be disappointen when he is removed from the scene. It seems as though the newness of it all is wearing off though. By today he was much less disruptive. It helps that the girls find him comical and seem to work right through his antics. I hope to be more detailed soon, but for now I need to get some rest. I am fighting off a cold and don't want to spend next week miserable!


me said...

Ha! Public or home schooled you can't avoid that stinkin' first of the year germ! Feel better! ;)