Every week that goes by I get a little more confident about this year. Buster is such a little helper, which is quite the difference from last year.
He favorite time of the day is calendar time. He knows our days of the week, months of the year, and seasons songs already and sings them throughout the day. It will make things much simpler here in a few years that's for sure.
He imitates the girls too. Here I found him curled up on the couch with a phonics reader. I'm sure he will be reading in no time with the amount of time he spends watching me teach the little girls.
The girls are loving our science demonstrations this year. They put an egg in a container and shook it up. Then they put a new egg in a container with water and shook that up. The 2nd egg stayed intact while the first cracked open. Now they understand why our brains are surrounded with fluid.
We finished up talking about Sacajawea, Lewis and Clark, Zebulon Pike and the Barbary pirates this week in history and all 4 girls completed another week of LA lessons. Chiggie will be babysitting every other week for Christian organization so we took this week off baking. They made glue drawings for art, but they took so long to dry we will have to paint them on Monday. It was a short week but I really feel like we accomplished a lot!
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