Thursday, July 15, 2010


Okay, uncle, I give. I am declaring my new favorite season to be Autumn. Elizabeth, I hope you're satisfied :) This no ac thing is about to be the death of me. Yes, we have the portable unit, but still, it cools one room. The kids make messes in 10 other rooms. The heat has morphed our schedule into late nights and mid-morning wake ups. It's so nice to sleep when it's cool, but waking up to temps in the 90's is not pleasant. Tea went upstairs to use the restroom (she calls it that) and came down all sweaty. She was barely even up there. She came down and said " Chiggie needs a new fan, that one is only blowing hot air."

This too shall pass, I know. Maybe I'll sweat some weight off you say? Nope because in order to cool off I am eating tons of ice cream. It's a rule so I have no real choice in the matter. When you're hot you have to eat high calorie, cold, snacks. So it's not my fault at all. Next week is supposed to be rainy. I'm crossing my fingers!


me said...

Oh honey, I can't even gloat when a poor soul has no A/C! I feel for you and will think cool thoughts for you all! *hugs*
P.S. Did someone say ~ice cream~?? ;)