Friday, July 16, 2010

4 Months

My sweet Buster boy is 4 months old. It's weird, but instead of being saddened by the milestones cruising by, I am so excited for what's to come. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying every minute of his sweet babyhood, but the future looks very bright. He weighed 13#14ozs at his last doctors appointment on the 9th. It was a recheck after his ear infection. Poor dude has had 2 ear infections and roseola, but he's a trooper. He is happy nearly all of the time. When he's grouchy I start searching for the thermometer because I know something is up.

He has the biggest gummy grins and is so happy first thing in the morning. Very soon he will start taking baths in the big tub because he's sitting up in the little one and it's scaring me. He can sit well in his bumbo ( see above) and for a few seconds unassisted. When we lay him down he rolls all over the place and scoots on his tummy.
He coos the most of any of our babies. He is almost always making noise. He loves for anyone to listen and luckily there are plenty of listeners around here!