Saturday, July 03, 2010

Cooling Off

I will forever remember this as the summer we fried. I never entirely realized how lucky we were to have central air. For those folks who opt out of air conditioning, how on earth do you do it? I've tried getting out of the house and taking advantage of either places that have air conditioning or the cooler evening temperatures, but you can only get out so much. We finally decided to buy a portable cooler (it wasn't cheap) just to buy us a bit more time.

Last night we cooled off under the stars. We took the kids to see Toy Story 3 and everybody loved it. It was a perfect evening to go to the drive-in and we even sat out of the car. I hope to go one more time this summer, but if we can't, I'm glad we've gotten to go twice.

The house is buzzing with excitement for tomorrow. The King went today and bought firecrackers and the girls can't wait. We're going to church and then to my Mom's house for a bbq and some water play. Later we'll come back over here to watch the show on Skyline Drive. I hope everyone else has a great day too!


me said...

Happy Independence Day! :)