Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Attitude Adjustment

I was bummed again this morning. I was shocked to wake up and have to turn the heat on. It's June already. I can't mention enough how tired we are of being cooped up. After a bit of complaining I decided not to stay cooped up. I cleaned up the house, fed the girls, and we went swimming. It was indoors at the gym of course, but it was still out. My little sisters came along and all of the kids had a blast. I would share the pictures with you but I didn't take any. Remember? I don't take my camera to the pool anymore. Way too risky. I still miss that camera by the way.

Anyway, I'm glad we went. I have had kind of a negative attitude about things lately. I want things to be a certain way (don't we all) and then when they don't turn out the way I planned I let it get to me too much. Life happens we all know that. I'm really going to work on this.


me said...

Yeah it's been raining for days here...it's getting a bit old. We don't have the indoor pool option here, so I envy you that!