Monday, June 08, 2009

Manic Monday

It's amazing how Mondays always seem the same. No matter how much I try to prevent the overwhelming flood every Monday morning brings I just can't seem to do it. It almost seems to be worse after we've had a really good weekend. Probably because if we're out having fun we're not here getting things done.

This week doesn't seem too busy so far. Tomorrow is Chiggie's 8th birthday and if we can get some cooperative weather than we're going to the pool. She's having her party with family and friends of Saturday. Other than that we'll go to the library on Wednesday and that's about it. I need to get some things organized for camp. Chiggie informed me this morning that we leave in 18 days. They are beyond excited and really I am too. I'm sure it will be a great memory for all of us. I'll be sure to post some pictures of the birthday girl tomorrow!


me said...

Ohhhh..8! Scary times, mama! :) Trae turns 7 on the 1st of July and I'm not sure how I feel about that yet. Good luck getting caught up today, I'm so far behind I can see my behind ahead of me. LOL

Christine said...

8?! Chiggie, I hope you have a wonderful day. Happy birthday!! I hope the weather cooperates for you!