Wednesday, June 16, 2010

3 Months

Buster Dude, our house is a different place now. I can't believe how much one tiny person can change things. You complete this family. We're loving watching you grow. Your sisters are absolutely fascinated with you. I sing sweet songs to you and you smile. I love to see your smile. You are such a happy and content boy. You sure do love your paci. This is new for me, your sisters hated theirs.

I love to see you in ball caps and hats in general. You never try to take them off so I'm thinking you like them too. Just like Daddy. We're pretty sure you're going to have allergies. You've had a rough spring with them at least. I hate seeing you feeling crummy. I give you extra snuggles and that helps both of us I think.

Having you has healed a part of my soul I didn't even know needed healing. You are that last piece of the puzzle. I see the whole picture now and it's amazing. All the possibilities.

Here we are a quarter of the way through your first year. We love you Mr. Buster!


me said...

Happy 3 months, little man! *HUGS* for Mom! :)