Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ugh, No! Part II

Today was not a good day. It wasn't a particularly awful day. Just a, didn't sleep at all last night, baby's still puking, kind of day. By evening things had settled down. Thankfully Boo slept through dinner and had no further incidents. Everyone was in bed and I was headed there myself when Tea came downstairs very distraught and crying that Midge had thrown up in their bed. They actually have bunk beds, but they have been sleeping together on the bottom bunk. This is usually adorable, tonight not so much. Tea was not amused. We got them both cleaned up, the sheets thrown in the wash, and Tea tucked safely in on the top bunk. Midge will be staying down in the family room where I can be on "bucket duty." The King is sleeping in our bed with Boo just in case she has any night time incidents.

We took Chiggie's project to the school today, so I am hoping if she ends up getting sick arrangements can be made. They can see the experiment and research was done on time. I'm still hoping that won't happen, but you never know. She also has an award ceremony on Friday and there was a note in her folder letting us know that she's receiving a special award, so I don't want to miss that either.

Tonight, my spirits aren't too bad. This is life. It could be worse and sometimes it even is. This too shall pass right?