Monday, January 11, 2010

A Bit of This and That

Today was a good start to the week. First off the high was actually above freezing yay! This is a picture from last week and as you can see Chiggie had to bundle up before school. Today she got to go in just a coat. To top it off, they played on the trampoline and swingset for almost two hours after school. Nice. In other news, Boo finally made the move upstairs. She has yet to make it through a full night, but she gets an A for effort. I have to admit I miss her in my room. She still seems like such a baby to me. I'm sure I've gained perspective watching the other girls grow. It's so fun and hard at the same time.


Christine said...

Hey, thanks for the invite to the blog! I'm sorry you needed to go private, but I'm glad I still get to play :)

Your family looks wonderful!!

me said...

Good luck with that and thanx for the invite!! :)