Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Here's another one for you. Kickball. When is the last time you rounded up the neighbors for a game? Too long for me. The girls had a great time playing, but it was amazing how confused some of the kids seemed. Another game I've been thinking about lately is capture the flag. Anybody ever played that one?

I am consumed with packing right now. Well packing, cleaning, and laundry. We're taking a short trip for the 4th of July, but with 6 people that still means tons of stuff. It should be a great time though. I love fireworks (hated them when I was little) and I can't wait for the little girls to see them.


Mary said...

Oooh how fun! Good kick too.

me said...

I swear I've played capture the flag but couldn't tell you the rules if I had to. As for kickball and DODGEBALL (ahhh, the memories) my kid has no idea what either sad! Too "dangerous" I suppose for P.E. and they have to try to cram a lot into what little time they actually get them now. I think that is a huge travesty, cutting music and P.E. for kids when we have an obese nation and a lack of respect for the simplier things in life. Ah, well...