Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just Another Day

Today was unseasonably cool. The high was like 70 and by 5 it was closer to 65. Kind of weird for July. I decided to pack up our lunch of PB&J's and have a picnic at the park. I was feeling extra tired and it gave me an excuse to just chill on the grass while the girls played. They played for longer than usual too just because it wasn't so darn hot. Of course I took some pictures but they'll have to wait.

I can't believe in two days Boo will be 2 years old. She is talking in full sentences. She's shy so strangers don't hear a whole lot. She is a very easy child. Very sweet and compliant. Occasionally she'll put up a fuss but only if she's just really tired. She loves the girls and gets along very well with Midge especially. She also has an attachment to my Mom. Aside from the King and I she is the only person Boo will stay with and no cry. We're going to the Zoo on Saturday to celebrate both Boo and Tea's special days.


Christine said...

Well happy birthday Boo! Are you sure she's almost two? Really?

I'm glad you guys got a break from the heat and were able to enjoy it!

Wendy said...

Yea! A HUGE Happy Birthday to my precious baby girls. Tell them that we all Love them so very much.

me said...

Happy Birthday to Boo! Have a great time at the zoo! Are you going to the one in Pueblo or CO Springs? I miss the one in Pueblo!!!