Wednesday, April 07, 2010


Or absolute lack thereof. So far this is my biggest obstacle. When to sleep?? For one thing, the baby chokes when he is lying flat on his back. We even bought an air-flow head elevator and it didn't help. Plus he has allergies and if he's not propped up he gets congested really easily. Congested and choking just really isn't my style. He will not sleep in his infant seat or car seat either. In fact he hates his car seat along with riding in the car. What does he like you ask? Well, hanging out right in Mom's arms, preferably nursing of course. This is fine most of the time, but I am beginning to feel the effects of very little sleep. I have to be up at 6:30 to get Chiggie to school on time and once the girls are up any chance of sleeping is over anyway. Hopefully he starts sleeping for longer stretches soon so that I can too!