Saturday, November 21, 2009


It looks like yesterdays positive outlook really did help. Today was a GOOD day. An all around good day. No one ran a fever or puked or anything like that. Sure we still had to dole out meds and neb treatments, but that I can live with. With everyone feeling better I actually cleaned the house. It feels so good to have everything back in order. I also did a whole bunch of laundry and put it away. I know, it's unbelievable. The King had to work so it didn't feel like a wasted Saturday at all. When he got home he went to the store and picked up some groceries so it really does feel like we're at square 1. Ahhhhh, I think we might be through this.


Mommy Cakes said...

Yeah! You have had one tough stretch of illness. You were more than entitled to a a few days of feeling bummed out. You've all been in my thoughts and prayers and I think you have been unbelievably positive through it all! Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving week!

Danielle said...

Glad your family is on the mend!