Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Okay, so today is my older "little" sister's 10th birthday. Yes they really were born 1 day shy of 2 years apart. In her honor here are 10 super cool things about her:

  1. Again she gets points just for being related.
  2. Talented musician. She plays both the piano and the flute.
  3. Loves to read.
  4. Enjoys riding horses and pretty much everything about horses as well.
  5. Great fashion sense. Always trying new hairstyles and outfit combos.
  6. She's an excellent babysitter. She willingly keeps an eye on the younger neighbor kids while out playing.
  7. Future blogger. She is one of my most dedicated readers.
  8. Very ambitious. This is her 2nd year serving on student council.
  9. She has very blue eyes. She's the only one of my siblings that does.
  10. Straight A student on honor roll. She always does her best.

Overall, she too, is a pretty good kid.

Happy Birthday Camie we love you!


Anonymous said...

Oh thanks you guys but did someone mention a check.