Sunday, September 27, 2009


Today has been what I would call pretty close to "perfect." Nobody had trouble getting up this morning. Breakfast, showers, and getting ready for church went smoothly. We even got to church early. I taught children's church, which I am loving by the way, and the girls always like that too. Church ran over a bit so Sunday school was cancelled. It was nice because we got home earlier than usual. I ran to the store to pick up a prescription and a few snacks for the football game today while the King stayed behind and got some lunch started. We ate a special lunch today being the Broncos are playing the Raiders. The girls loved it and declared it an official party.

Now we're just relaxing and waiting for the game to start. I would be thrilled with a nap, but I'll survive either way. Boo and Midge could use one too, so we'll see. I leave you with a few random pictures from the week. I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

The King is addicted to this game on Webkinz. He says he is just trying to "earn the girls lots of money." Sure you are honey, sure you are.Our whole family loves to play Game Party on the Wii. Tea finally mastered ski ball and is lovin' it.The little girls have to have their chairs for soccer. I think they like watching as much as the older girls like playing.


me said...

Glad you had a good weekend! I will blog this week! I think I can, I think I can...