Thursday, April 03, 2008


Lately Midge's language has just exploded. I don't think there is anything that she can't say. Last night she had a bad dream and cried out. I went upstairs to check her and she told me that she had had a bad dream. I reassured her, tucked her in, and promised her a treat of eggs and bacon in the morning. When I went up this morning to wake her, she immediately said " eggs and bacon?" I had to laugh. Very soon we're going to start working on potty training. My feelings are that it will be pretty smooth. It will definitely nice to only have one in diapers.


me said...

GO MIDGE, GO!! When is her bday again? I hope it goes smoothly and just do what a friend of mine does...offer a m&m to her and the person who takes her potty. She found it very motivating for the older sisters. LOL