Saturday, January 19, 2008

Some People

Dear Rude Lady,
What you did yesterday was completely uncalled for. You show up to school to pick up your Kindergartener and loudly announce that his birthday is coming up. He then begins to randomly hand out invitations in front of the whole class. All the while, the entire class, eagerly waits. The location of the party is a kid "hot spot" (that you happen to own) making it a party no kid would want to miss. Unfortunately my kid didn't make the cut. I don't who exactly you think you are or why little kids feelings aren't important to you. In the future please keep things like this confidential. And one more thing, we will no longer be patrons at your business.

Pissed Off Parent,

Queen B


me said...

That is prohibited at our school, the handing out of invitations to only certain kids. If a child has a birthday party and invites more than one child in her class she/he has to invite either a) the WHOLE class or b) the entire gender of his/her class. T's best friend has a birthday in Feb and her mom will get out of having to invite the entire girl population of their class by just inviting T.
Rambling, sorry. I AM SO SORRY THAT "C" got snubbed. Was she the only one? I think you have the right mindset as far as removing your business from them if they're going to show so little respect for other people and their feelings. I also vote you say something to the woman about how much this hurt "C." *HUGS*

Christine said...

Oh, ouch. I'd be up in arms at that! J's school specifically has an all-or-nothing policy about handing out invites in school. I would definitely be bringing that up to the teacher - it creates problems for them as well. Did C notice?