That's how I'm feeling today after getting home from the drive-in at 2am. The good news is that means it was successful. Very successful. All four kids made it through the first movie (UP) and they slowly fell asleep during the second. It was a little too cool to sit outside of the car, but we were very comfortable inside with our drinks and snacks. Unfortunately we didn't make it to church this morning. When the alarm went of at 6:30 it was all I could do to reach over and turn it off. Thankfully the girls all slept until 9:30.
This afternoon I'm going to take Chiggie for a long bike ride. I'm hoping it will wake me up and get me motivated to do something around the house when I get back. We made meatball subs for lunch and it left quite the mess.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Posted by Family_Dauk at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 30, 2009
There is much excitement in our home tonight. We are about to eat dinner and then the girls will take a quick bath and get their pajamas on. Sound exciting? Of course that's not the exciting part. After their all pj'd up we're taking them to the drive-in to see UP and the Hannah Montana Move.
I love the drive-in. So many memories. I went last night and bought all kinds of snacks to keep us entertained as well. I think we'll have a great time. Keep your fingers crossed everybody cooperates!
Posted by Family_Dauk at 4:59 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wow, we tried to watch the Nuggets tonight but they never showed up. Not a whole lot more to say, just wow....
Posted by Family_Dauk at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Birthday Season
We are officially in Birthday season around here. With 3 summer birthdays coming up the girls are ready to get their party on. Chiggie has already decided she wants to celebrate at the park this year. She wants water balloons. Lots of water balloons. She is obsessed with any type of water play. Throwing balloons full of water at people thrills her. It's cheap so it thrills me as well.
Tea keeps changing her mind. Sometimes she wants her party to be at the gymnastics studio. Sometimes she says the park. Other times she says she wants to go bowling or skating. Who knows. She has decided on a gift though. Roller skates with a Mohawk. That's what she told us at dinner tonight. I'm pretty sure she means roller blades....
Posted by Family_Dauk at 7:29 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Hum Drum
I am in a funk and I am blaming the weather entirely. 60 degrees for the high? In nearly June? It doesn't help that it's accompanied with rain which leads to mud which leads to kids playing indoors only which sometimes leads to insanity. I had such plans for this week including a trip to the pool and a river front bike ride. If I have to cancel both the theme for this week will be BORING. Of course there are plenty of things to do indoors on rainy days the problem is we've been doing those things for months. We're getting tired of coloring, crafts, and movies. Please warm up soon.....
Posted by Family_Dauk at 9:53 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Ahhhh, we got home this afternoon and civilization never felt so good. We had a fabulous time. It rained 80% of the time, but there were plenty of indoor activities to keep us entertained. I've already made a video I love and I'll post it very soon. For now I must watch the Nuggets!
Posted by Family_Dauk at 7:31 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
The End
Posted by Family_Dauk at 9:36 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The Wire
We're down to the wire now. Tomorrow is Chiggie's last day of 1st grade. Yeah, don't even get me started there. She's done at 11:15. We're meeting my Mom and little sisters at the park for a little picnic celebration and then we'll head home to finish getting ready. The girls have decided to hula hoop for this years talent show at Cutty's. They've been practicing every chance they get. I really need to capture this on video for you to get the full affect.
Posted by Family_Dauk at 3:39 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
I've had so many good things to blog about lately. Chiggie's talent show at school and her early school birthday celebration. The planning for our upcoming camping trip. All the benefits of having the King home. My Mom's birthday party and my Aunt's surpise visit. You get the drift. I haven't been too busy to blog, just distracted. I seem to have plenty of time to read about what's going on with others, leaving very little time to journal what's going on with us. I need to find a happy medium there.
We have 4 1/2 days until summer vacation starts. This will be a crazy busy week. In a good way of course. Our summer looks pretty mellow. Mellow is good....
Posted by Family_Dauk at 6:33 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The school year is hard work. Hard work for me. Hard work for Chiggie. Even hard work for the girls. We have to get up early. We're on a very limited schedule. Our days revolve around drop offs and pick ups. Not to mention the many activities that we're involved in. It can be exhausting for all involved really. It's kind of like pedalling up hill. The top of that hill in in sight and I'm so excited.
See to me summer is like coasting. You finally get to the top of the hill and you get to coast your way down. Sure there's work involved. You don't want to crash, but for the most part you just get to feel the wind in your hair and enjoy the view. The work is different. Less strenuous, more relaxing. There's trips to the drive-in, time at the pool, camping, fishing, bike rides, park picnics, library visits, and time at the beach. It flies by, but you have to enjoy it. Before you know it your pedaling again.
Posted by Family_Dauk at 9:25 AM 2 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mothers Day. I had a really good one despite the fact that I have a freak staph infection. It's a perfect example of the weird stuff that seems to happen to me. To add insult to injury I had a MILD allergic reaction to one of the meds I'm taking. I have to call the doctor tomorrow, I won't take something that impedes my ability to breathe. I really am feeling better so I hope it doesn't set me back. I hope all the Mothers out there had a great day!
Posted by Family_Dauk at 9:30 PM 2 comments
Thursday, May 07, 2009
These next few weeks are packed full with end of the year stuff. There are 10 1/2 days of school left. It went by insanely fast. Tomorrow is Chiggie's annual games day and she's too excited to sleep. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures. Next week I have to take birthday treats to her school and youth group as an early celebration. We're also getting our camper ready for our annual Memorial Day trip to Cutty's. I am so excited. I can't believe summer is really almost here.
Posted by Family_Dauk at 8:11 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
31 and Counting
In honor of the King's 31st birthday here's 31 quick facts about him in no particular order:
- Great Husband
- Fun Dad
- Hard worker
- Christ follower
- Football loving
- Coffee drinking
- goatee growing
- scary ride hating
- crowd weary
- Mexican food loving
- Denver Broncos fan
- 2nd best guitar hero player I know (I'm hard to beat)
- boxers over briefs
- ball cap wearing
- wears shorts in the snow
- pop culture whiz
- secret Hannah Montana fan
- Favorite movie is "Shooter"
- hates prunes
- loves having all girls
- Ford loving
- Enjoys lake fishing
- Golf enthusiast
- loves camping
- big screen t.v. fan
- t.v. remote hog
- wants an American Bulldog
- snow loathing
- HATES skiing
- tool toting
- great best friend
Posted by Family_Dauk at 8:34 PM 2 comments
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Weekend in Review
This was an incredibly busy, but fun weekend. The King was finally able to put the girls new drum set together just this afternoon. Their band "Pony Love" is really taking off. They broke up and got back together 4 times just this afternoon. They've definitely got the whole, how to act like a rock star, part down pat.
Posted by Family_Dauk at 7:44 PM 4 comments